Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Letters to the Next President!

Well, after getting the kids off to school I headed to the Grant Wood AEC to cast my vote. The line was relatively short and the voting went on without a glitch. Holding that large ballot in my hand reminded me of the amazing freedom that we have here in the United States - that ordinary people like you and me have the power to say who will lead our country. My father served in two wars and for the most part he held to the conviction that he was doing his part in promoting that freedom.

In just a few hours we will have a new president. History will be made today one way or the other. Either we will have the first ever African American President or the first ever female Vice President. As that person steps into office what would we say to them? As a follower of Jesus how would we counsel our new President?

Starting this weekend we are kicking off a series called Letters to the Next President. This series is coming together as a result of some of the "You Pick" suggestions for sermon topics and because it is immediately after one of the most historic elections of all time. Be sure to be there as we look at three different Biblical heads of state and how they acted or failed to act. Through this series we expect to gain some leadership lessons that are applicable to those who hold public office all the way to the person who is leading their children in the home. Don't miss this series and be sure to invite a friend.

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